Drill pipe Li ned You know the valu e of lined drill pipe. Lined pipe (als o one piec e f orged) reduces drilling fluids b y u p t o 70% r esulting i n les s waste. Additi onally, you wil l spend less ti me p r essurin g u p and m ore ti m e drilling. Hunting’s durable one-piece forg ed design eliminates joints and welds. By combining one- piece forged with lined pip e, Hunt ing ma kes the d ecisi on si mple. It’s the b est o f both worlds.
© Alpdrill GmbH
Ditch Witch, Tracto and Vermeer are registred marks ®
Created and Designed by Johannes Albrecht ©
Drill Pipe
Drill pipe one piece forged
Drill pipe friction welded
Drill pipe Lined
Ditch Witch All Terrain
Drill pipe one pi ece forg ed Huntings famou s design which i s on e piec e f orged, min imizes failure o f c onnector and friction weldin g of drill pipe. Pa tented for g ing processes, unique heat treatm ent pr ocess es c ombindes with hig h precision threads, ma kes i t to the bes t drill pipe in the industry.
Dril l pipe fric tion weld ed Reibgeschweißt! THE HIGH QUALITY, LOW COST ALTERNATIVE Low-cost doesn’t m ean low quality. Our Advantage inertia-welded drill rod has b een thor oughly t ested and m eet s all o f the toleranc es and quality standards set b y Hu nt ing at a ver y competiti ve price.
D it ch-Wit c h All Terrain The all terrain drill pipe is available for various machine models of Ditch-Witch. Like the original, it is friction welded but manufactured to th e highest stand ards of Hunting.