Mini Pi tty The Mini Pit ty is speciall y developed f or mini rigs. With a cutting dia meter of 74mm the Mini Pi tty is smalles drilling head in our produc t r ange.
Dril lmast er-H ead Nr . 3 The Tracto -Head Carbide is suitable for all mixed grounds.
© Alpdrill GmbH
Ditch Witch, Tracto and Vermeer are registred marks ®
Created and Designed by Johannes Albrecht ©
Drillmaster-Head Aggressor
Drillmaster-Head Nr. 2
Drillmaster-Head Nr. 1
Drillmaster-Head Nr. 4
Drillmaster-Head Steerking
Drillmaster-Head Nr. 3
Drillmaster-Head Nr. 5
Mini Pitty
Drillmaster-Head Nr. 6
Dril lmaster-Head S te erki n g - Best suit able for s oft gr oun d conditi ons - Combines best steering ca pabilities with exchangeable shank tooths - TCI-Wear protecti on on crit ical spot s
Dril lmast er-H ead Ag g r essor - A versa tile drilling head with big exchangeable shank t o oths - The mos t aggressi ve drilling head in our range - Maxi mum TCI-W ear pr ote ction - Suitable for direct pipe pulling
Dril lmaster-H ead Nr . 1 The DRILLMASTER-Head Nr. 1 wi th three e xchangeabl e teeth is an aggres sive drillhead for m edium hard roc k, sandstone, lim estone and slate.
Dril lmaster-H ead Nr . 2 The DRILLMASTER-Head Nr. 2 (He ad for Ste eringplate) is available f or all steeringplates of Verm eer, Ditch Witch and Trac to -Tec hni k.
Drillmaster-Ko pf Nr. 4 The DRILLMASTER-Head Nr. 4 is prefered used f or gra v el and hard, tightly pac ked gr ounds.
Dril lmaster-H ead Nr . 5 The DRILLMASTER- Head Nr. 5 has i ts bes t perfomance in grav el and marl.
Dril lmast er-H ead Nr . 6 The DRILLMASTER-Head Nr. 6 wi th its extreme strong exchangeable teeth, is the i nexpensiv e alt ernativ e to t he aggressor bi t. Capeabilities until ground class 6. It is also suitable fo r lim e- and sand stone as well as slat e.