© Alpdrill GmbH
Ditch Witch, Tracto and Vermeer are registred marks ®
Created and Designed by Johannes Albrecht ©
Rock Accessories
TCI Holeopener
Soft Rock Bit HDD
PDC Holeopener
Tricone / TCI -Cut ter : Our T ric one Bits and TCI-Cu tter m eet the high stand ard s of oil- , gas- and h dd indu stry. A ll ar e equipped with high quality sealing, journal breaing and friction sealing. Therefore, they fulfi ll best requirements and can handle the toughest conditions. With our Tric one Bi ts you work always economicall y!
PDC- Bit The PDC-Bi t is be st suitabl e for s oft rock c onditi ons and is distinguished through its high penetration. Availabl e fr om stoc k wi th 4-6 wings. On request als o a vailable with 3 and 7 w ings.
Gravel-Tornad o The perfect s oluti on in gra vel in cas e your PDC- Cutter get damaged. Opti mal equippe d with 5 wings.
Soft Rock Bit H D D The 3-Wing Sof t R ock Bit is an economical al ternati ve in mixed grounds up to very soft r ocks.
TCI-Ho leopener Our TCI-Holeopener Heavy Duty Design is equipped with maximum amount of hight quality cutters. When constructi ons all ows, our H oleopeners are equipped with centralizers.
PDC-Ho leopener Standard equipped with 5 wings and made ou t of one piece wear resist ant steel in order to avoid any danger of breaks. Several repairs pos sible! Als o availa ble with spiral centralizer.