Sond housin g with plug in connec tion: - Available for th e systems of Ditch-Witch and Tracto-T echnik - Quick disassembl e and cha nge of drilling heads and plug in reamers p ossible - Adventage in small ex cava t ion
Our Side- and Endloaded Sondhousings are suitable t o operate with your Di tch-Witch, Vermeer, Tracto -Te chnik, ... machines. The lid cov er i s se cured with tw o pins and has a unique locking sys tem. On client request w e can produce als o h ousings wi t h cable s ond c onnecti ons or f or spe cial deep b oring sonds.
© Alpdrill GmbH
Ditch Witch, Tracto and Vermeer are registred marks ®
Created and Designed by Johannes Albrecht ©
Sondhousing Multifunctional
Mini Sondhousing
Sondhousing plug in connection
All Terrain Sondhousing
Sondhousing Steeringplate
Sondhousing High-Flow
Sond housi n g-Mu ltifun c tional (B ox/B ox): - A sondhou sing which can be u sed by the most machines - The best in flexibilit y, no ju st when you hav e a di vers machinery - Dureable, strong, tight and sealed c onnection - W ith Eas y-Brea k, e asy and quick disassemble p ossible - Standard arm ored with TCI for ext ended durability
Sonden g ehäus e St e erin g p lat e (Sid e l oad ed ): - For all Ditch-Witch and Vermeer 5-bolt and 6-bol t pattern availabl e - Standard arm ored with TCI for ext ended durability - Cov er lid secured with pins - Suitable for Subsite®-, DCI® - and Underground Magnetics®-Sonds (Special deep boring sonds on reques t!)
Mini Sondhousin g (Front- or rat her E nd load ed): - The smalles t Sondh ou sing in our product range with a diam et er of just 52mm - Equipped with a plug in s ys tem and a spe cial s ond connection sys tem - Available for mini sonds of DCI® (8 x 1.00“) and Subsite® (11.5 x 0.9“)
Sond housin g Hig h -Flo w: - This sondh ousing is end l oa ded and can be made for al l types of sonds - Equipped with 5 piece bentonit h oles if more flow is n eeded - Can be equipped wi th diffe rent drilling heads
All Terrain Son d h ousin g: - Designed after Hunting´s Mud Motor technology - Equipped with thrust & rad ial bearings - Compatible f or different types of sonds - Sonds are secured with special LockingLid™ System which guarantees a higher saf rety