G l u e At Alpdrill you find everything necessary when it comes to glueing. Glue to seal y our sondhousings in order to pr ot ect sonds, glu e to secure threads of adap ter and Sub Sav ers…
O- Rin g O-Ringe for towing heads with bell or konus as well as f or quick conne ct syst ems.
© Alpdrill GmbH
Ditch Witch, Tracto and Vermeer are registred marks ®
Created and Designed by Johannes Albrecht ©
Wear Parts
Screws, Pins…
Thread bars
Grease and accessories
Rod Whipers
Shank teeth
Weld on teeth
PDC-Cutter and wear protection
Holder for shank teeth
Sond rubbers and adapters
Pulling Grips
Shan k te et h Our shank teeth mad e ou t of wear resistant steel and high quality TCI, gives your tooli ng best cut ting performanc e.
Holder for shan k te eth The holde r of shank tee th offer you an additional op tion to armor your tooling.
PDC-Cutter an d w ear protec tion Available at Alpdrill are PDC-Cutter f or own repair of PDC-Bits. Additionall y we offer you als o special wear protection f or your own re pair s.
An sc h weißzäh n e Alpdrill offers a wide range of different weld on teeth. A vailable ar e st andard teeth or special teeth f or high h orsepower machines or teeth with special de sign to mini mize wear on critic al spots.
Sond rub bers an d adapters For D CI®, Subsite® and Underground Magn etics® we offer you high qualit y sond rubbers. In our product range we have th e suitable adapter, in case you use different so nds in one h ou sing.
Noz z l es We can offer you vari ous nozzles with differen t dia meters for drilling heads, r ea mers, tricone-bit s, pdc- bits, holeop ener etc.
Sc re ws, Pi ns Wether special screws f or quick connect systems , st eeringplates etc . or d ouble r olled pins. At Alpdrill all is availa ble right away!
Punch Punch for diver se heads or reamers a vailabler. We al s o have sp ecial breakout tooli ng and punches for shank tooths in our pr oduct range.
Thr e ad ba r s Sealed thread bars f or towi ng heads with b ell and kon us.
Sprin g s Spare springs for towings h ead from size 160mm and mor e.
Gr ease an d accessories We only sell high quality copper grease from the market leader Jet-Lube. For Swivels we offer also quality greas e of AVIA. Dop e-Bru sh etc. also av ailable.
Rod whip ers We offer just high quality dual split rod whipers f or dif ferent types of ma chines.
Shack le Our quality shac kle from Cr osby c ompl y with all safet y standards and withstand to ughest c onditions. Available are this shackle in 3 different mod els (s ee b elow).
Pu llin g g ri p s Our pulling grips have a heavy duty design. They are triple weaved and exhibit the highest pulling and breaking load in market. Available from dia meter 6 - 63mm.